Support EAL/ESL learners in your IPC units – Webinar
15th March 2017
‘Supporting English Language Learners’ EAL Conference
1st April 20175.5 Pupils with English as an additional language
Pupils with EAL must be registered for the KS2 tests even if there is a valid reason why they will not take them.
English tests
If pupils cannot communicate in English, then they will be working below the overall standard of the English tests and should not take them.
Mathematics tests
To establish a pupil’s abilities in mathematics, teachers and language-support staff should work together to translate national curriculum work into the pupil’s preferred language.
If a pupil is working at the standard of the mathematics tests, the school should consider using access arrangements to enable the pupil to take the tests (see section 5.3). Care should be taken to ensure that any translation does not provide additional support or understanding of mathematical terms.
Pupils working below the overall standard of the mathematics tests should not take them.
8.4 How DfE uses test results
When calculating school-level performance measures for the performance tables44, the DfE includes all pupils who have completed KS2, regardless of whether they have been entered for the tests or disapplied from the curriculum. This includes pupils:
with SEN
working below the ‘expected standard’ and who achieve a scaled score of less than 100
unable to access the tests
who were recorded as ‘A’ (absent) when the tests were administered
Discounting pupils from performance tables calculations
Schools can apply for pupils who have recently arrived from overseas to be discounted from performance tables calculations. 40
To be discounted, a pupil must meet all 3 of the following criteria:
they were admitted to an English school for the first time during the 2015 to 2016 or 2016 to 2017 school year
they arrived from overseas before their admission
English is not an official language of the country from which they came
The DfE will write to each school with instructions and information on the performance tables data checking exercise in 2017. If schools have queries about the performance tables or the data checking exercise46, they should contact the DfE’s national enquiry line on 0370 000 2288.