Home-school Partnerships: Ideas to engage newly arrived parents
25th September 2019
NALDIC Conference 2019
24th October 2019We feel honoured to announce that the Learning Village has won a three-star award in the Teach Primary Awards 2019!
It was only four years ago that the Learning Village launched, and in that time we’ve worked with thousands of learners in many primary and secondary schools across the world to grow it to the award-winning platform you see today. It’s only due to the support and collaboration of our staff, our members and beyond, that we find ourselves achieving this kind of recognition. Thank you!
Caroline Scott
Author and Director
Please do take some time to look at the judges’ comments:
“….a welcome addition….the website is teeming with resources and lessons……”
“…..exceptionally accessible to teachers, especially those who have little experience of teaching English as an additional language. ….”
“offers value for money….in comparison to other resources available, the costs do seem accessible to schools’ funds.”
“comprehensive….flexible…successful….passionate about supporting children’s English language development.”
“….could prove to be invaluable….”
(Teach Primary judges’ comments: October 2019)
Run by the Teach Primary magazine, these awards help teachers choose the very best educational resources to support their KS1 and KS2 pupils. Quality is determined by a panel of Primary experts and educators, who dig deep into resources supporting all aspects of the curriculum, to ensure that only the most deserving triumph. We knew we were good – they confirmed it!
Here’s what the Teach Primary judges had to say about the Learning Village:
…a welcome addition to [a] class or school…
“Many teachers working with pupils learning English as an additional language might find this resource a welcome addition to their class or school. It is a comprehensive programme offering teachers and pupils a flexible approach to English language development. The website is teeming with resources and lessons that have been carefully designed to enable the staged learning of English, from the naming of objects, to developing an understanding of phonics and on to the more complex grammatical structures of the language.
From the pupils’ perspective, the lessons are interactive, with time and space being given to allow the children to gain confidence in the development of their spoken English. Careful thought has been given to support language development across the wider curriculum. The testimonials indicate the successful implementation within a number of primary settings, with the children making good progress, not only in their spoken English, but also in their reading comprehension development.”
…a wealth of online support…exceptionally accessible…
“The resource includes a wealth of online support for teachers, from printable resources and webinar tutorials to assessment records. This makes the resource exceptionally accessible to teachers, especially those who have little experience of teaching English as an additional language. It is evident that the architect of this resource is passionate about supporting children’s English language development.”
…value for money…accessible to schools’ funds…
“Learning Village does offer value for money with its sliding scale of cost, depending on how many children would be using it, and, in comparison to other resources available, the costs do seem accessible to schools’ funds. This resource could prove to be invaluable to some teachers and children.”
You can find out more about the Learning Village here.
Click here to find out all about our award on the Teach Awards website.