EdTech: the Emergency Service for Education in 2020!
17th March 2021
Cloze procedures – Do your EAL pupils need ‘closure’?
26th April 2021Caroline Scott, of Across Cultures, will be running workshops on all three days of the TBS Education Conference in Rio, on 29th, 30th and 31st March. She’ll be reimagining EAL learning for primary and secondary school staff and leaders – and helping them reimagine their whole-school strategies too.
On Days 1 and 2 Caroline will provide a wide-ranging overview of EAL issues in primary and secondary schools. The workshops will cover the use of mother tongue to support learning, assessment and differentiation of planning, and practical strategies to engage learners.
On Day 3, Caroline will move onto practical strategies in a school-wide context, discussing techniques that can work across a range of subjects and when delivering blended learning. All teachers and leaders keen to implement a coherent whole-school EAL framework should bookmark this event.
The TBS Education Conference offers opportunities for reflection, inspiration and professional development for school staff and leaders. With a mission statement ‘Reflecting. Redefining. Reimagining’, this year’s conference takes influential leaders in the field of education and invites them to share their expertise and experience on all aspects of education.
You can find the conference’s brochure by clicking here.